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The Everyday PM Podcast | Episode 20 "Focusing on the End Goal ALWAYS"

Welcome to episode 20 of The Everyday PM Podcast where we discuss focusing on the end goal always and tips for staying on-track throughout the course of your project.

Let's face it, staying focused in a world full of distractions is challenging. In our everyday lives, we have that singular goal for the day. Maybe it's optimizing our production to be better than the day before. But what happens throughout the day? You get distracted and the biggest, ugliest frogs you should have eaten first thing in the morning (for those of you wanting to know more about this reference, check out my blog post on Eating that Frog!), is left undone by the end of the day; thus, keeping us from being as productive as we intended to be. Same goes for our professional lives. As project managers, we are the ones tasked with keeping to the agenda and ensuring that we do not lose focus on our end goal whether it be for a meeting or a project. Helping me drive this conversation is Star Dargin, Executive and Leadership Coach and author of Leading with Gratitude: 21st Century Solutions to Boost Engagement and Innovation.

How do you manage to stay focused on your end goal? Any tips and guidance to share? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below!


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Worldwide Readiness Program Manager, Apple, Inc.

Program/Project management professional with 10 years of experience in product development, physical retail launches, and health care industries.

Executive and Leadership Coach, Star Leadership LLC

As an executive coach, Star loves making a difference through 1-on-1 partnerships, as it’s a great way to help middle managers improve their leadership skills. A key part of her approach is from a place of gratitude. Her engineering background allows her to translate tech speak and she can easily shift between logic and emotions to help you communicate and operationalize your vision (or idea) and turn it into reality.

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